ESCRS - Educational Resources

Educational Resources


Advanced FEBOS-CR Exam/Diploma (Cataract & Refractive Surgery) developed by the EBO and ESCRS.

Free online learning platform for ESCRS members

ESCRS iLearn

ESCRS iLearn is an online learning platform free for ESCRS members. There are 22 courses available, offering nearly 50 hours of content covering visual optics, cataract surgery, refractive surgery and cornea topics.

The courses are designed to be user-friendly and engaging with clinical images, surgical videos, quizzes to test your knowledge as you proceed, and final assessments so that you can be confirmed in what you’ve learned. Many courses also have CME accreditation.

This is an invaluable tool for young ophthalmologists, trainers and trainees who want to learn about anterior segment surgery.

Also available: the ESCRS iLearn Tasklist allows trainers to assign courses to trainees, and monitor their progress over the assigned period.

Portals & information

ESCRS Research Portals

The ESCRS funds and help to run several research projects at any one time.

This page brings you information on all the projects currently underway, and also collates all presentations, publications and interviews with projects leaders on projects that have been completed.

Where relevant, all study reports and guidelines related to these projects will also be available here.

Important Publications

Landmark Articles

Single articles from a range of journals (selected by members of the ESCRS Publication Committee) are made available to download from a dedicated page on the ESCRS Education website. The papers chosen will be updated each quarter. Each listing will include the title, authors, publisher and a short description.

We will also be introducing an online journal club element to this project.

ESCRS EuroTimes Podcasts

ESCRS Connect Academy: Current trends in IOL power calculations - Podcast
16 Feb 2023
ESCRS Connect Academy: Current trends in IOL power calculations - Podcast

TITLE: ESCRS Connect Academy: Current trends in IOL power calculations DATE: 15 February 2023 CHAIRS: Rudy Nuijts, Giacomo Savini Update on biometric devices Speaker: Andreea Dana Fisus Modern IOL calculation formulas Speaker: Filomena Ribiero IOL power calculation in post-refractive surgery patients Speaker: Basak Bostanci Biometry in patients with keratoconus Speaker: Kjell Gunnar Gundersen Discussion/Conclusion led by chairs

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 29 - Podcast - Real-world incidence of monofocal toric intraocular lens repositioning: analysis of the American Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS Registry​
11 Jan 2023
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 29 - Podcast - Real-world incidence of monofocal toric intraocular lens repositioning: analysis of the American Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS Registry​

With Imran Yusuf and Nino Hirnschall. The guest experts are Dr Brent Kramer and Professor Mats Lundström who discuss the paper: Real-world incidence of monofocal toric intraocular lens repositioning: analysis of the American Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS Registry.

ESCRS eConnect Webinar - Overcoming Complications in Cataract Surgery - Podcast
15 Dec 2022
ESCRS eConnect Webinar - Overcoming Complications in Cataract Surgery - Podcast

Surgical complications of cataract surgery are an inevitable part of the professional life of every cataract surgeon. Although their overall incidence has decreased with the development of contemporary surgical procedures and devices, at the same time, the expectations for the perfect postoperative outcome have increased, rendering the need for proper and timely management of surgical complications as current as ever. The panel of experts presenting at our webinar will provide you with an evidence-based overview of the most common complications cataract surgeons face and with the techniques for their optimal treatment.

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 28 - Podcast - Factors leading to re-alignment or exchange after ICL implantation in 10,258 eyes​
07 Dec 2022
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 28 - Podcast - Factors leading to re-alignment or exchange after ICL implantation in 10,258 eyes​

With Artemis Matsou and Myriam Böhm, the guest experts are Professor Thomas Kohnen and Professor Sathish Srinivasan who discuss the paper: Factors leading to re-alignment or exchange after ICL implantation in 10,258 eyes

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 27 - Podcast - Postoperative vault prediction for phakic implantable collamer lens surgery: the LASSO formulae
02 Nov 2022
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 27 - Podcast - Postoperative vault prediction for phakic implantable collamer lens surgery: the LASSO formulae

EyeJC (The ESCRS Journal Club) episode 27 with Artemis and Mario Nubile which first broadcast on November 2, 2022 at 20:00 CET.

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 26 - Podcast - Application of artificial intelligence in cataract management: current and future directions
07 Sep 2022
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 26 - Podcast - Application of artificial intelligence in cataract management: current and future directions

EyeJC (The ESCRS Journal Club) 26 podcast with Imran Yusuf and Mario Nubile broadcast on September 7 2022 at 20:00 CET.

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 25 - Podcast - Reducing Topical Drug Waste in Ophthalmic Surgery: Multi-society Position Paper
01 Aug 2022
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 25 - Podcast - Reducing Topical Drug Waste in Ophthalmic Surgery: Multi-society Position Paper

EyeJC (The ESCRS Journal Club) episode 25 with hosts Artemis Matsou and Imran Yusuf - August 1 2022 at 20:30 CET.

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 20 - Podcast - Toric intraocular lens implantation vs. femtosecond laser-assisted arcuate keratotomy for correction of moderate astigmatism in cataract surgery
09 Feb 2022
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 20 - Podcast - Toric intraocular lens implantation vs. femtosecond laser-assisted arcuate keratotomy for correction of moderate astigmatism in cataract surgery

This is an audio recoding of Episode 20 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club, hosted by Artemis Matsou (Greece) and  Imran Yusuf (UK) <p>Our experts were Ben LaHood and Harry Roberts who discussed the following paper: Toric intraocular lens implantation vs. femtosecond laser-assisted arcuate keratotomy for correction of moderate astigmatism in cataract surgery: December 16, 2021<

Current and emerging treatments
05 Jan 2022
Current and emerging treatments

MIGS in the cataract patient
05 Jan 2022
MIGS in the cataract patient

Getting the diagnosis right
05 Jan 2022
Getting the diagnosis right

OSD Current and emerging trends
05 Jan 2022
OSD Current and emerging trends

MGD Keys for diagnosis and treatment
05 Jan 2022
MGD Keys for diagnosis and treatment

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 19 - Podcast - Laser corneal enhancement after trifocal intraocular lens implantation in eyes that had previously undergone photoablative corneal refractive surg
09 Dec 2021
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 19 - Podcast - Laser corneal enhancement after trifocal intraocular lens implantation in eyes that had previously undergone photoablative corneal refractive surg

This is an audio recoding of Episode 19 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club, hosted by Artemis Matsou (Greece) and  Imran Yusuf (UK)

RIOL Podcast: Astigmatism correction and patient satisfaction
02 Dec 2021
RIOL Podcast: Astigmatism correction and patient satisfaction

<p>In this section of the ESCRS video interview series on Refractive IOLs Drs. Thomas Kohnen and Gerd Auffarth talk about astigmatism correction and patient satisfaction. To see the entire interview, make sure to watch the remaining two videos in this series.</p> <p>Independent medical education support provided by Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision and BVI.</p>

RIOL Podcast: Patient selection and preoperative considerations
02 Dec 2021
RIOL Podcast: Patient selection and preoperative considerations

<p>In this section of the ESCRS video interview series on Refractive IOLs Drs. Thomas Kohnen and Gerd Auffarth speak about patient selection and preoperative considerations. To see the entire interview, make sure to watch the remaining two videos in this series.</p> <p>Independent medical education support provided by Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision and BVI.</p>

RIOL Interview: Presbyopia IOLS and Patient Expectations
02 Dec 2021
RIOL Interview: Presbyopia IOLS and Patient Expectations

<p>In this section of the ESCRS video interview series on Refractive IOLs Drs. Thomas Kohnen and Gerd Auffarth talk about presbyopia IOLs and patient expectations. To see the entire interview, make sure to watch the remaining two videos in this series.</p> <p>Independent medical education support provided by Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision and BVI.</p>

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 18 - Podcast -  Diffractive Optic IOL Exchange, Indications and Outcomes
17 Nov 2021
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 18 - Podcast - Diffractive Optic IOL Exchange, Indications and Outcomes

<p>This is an audio recoding of Episode 18 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club, hosted by Artemis Matsou (Greece) and  Basak Bostanci (Turkey) </p> <p>Our experts were Ruth Lapid-Gortzak and Jorge Alio  who discussed the following paper:</p> <p>Diffractive Optic IOL Exchange, Indications and Outcomes, Alsetri, Hassan BS1; Pham, Don BS1; Masket, Samuel MD1,2; Fram, Nicole R MD1,2; Naids, Steven MD1; Lee, Aron BS1,, Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: September 07, 2021<br /> <br /> <a href= ""></a></p>

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 17 - Podcast - Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results
21 Oct 2021
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 17 - Podcast - Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results

<p>This is an audio recoding of Episode 17 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club, hosted by Basak Bostanci (Turkey) and and Imran Yusuf (UK)</p> <p>Our experts were Volkan Hürmeriç and David O'Brart who discussed the following paper:</p> <p>Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results. Jonker, Soraya M.R. MD1 et al.<br /> <br /></p> <div class="z-form-row"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="content col-md-offset-2"><a href= ""></a></div> <div class="content col-md-offset-2"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="z-form-row"> <div class="form-group"> </div> </div>

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 16 - Podcast - Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS), An Academic Teaching Center’s Experience
06 Sep 2021
ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 16 - Podcast - Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS), An Academic Teaching Center’s Experience

<p>This is an audio recoding of Episode 16 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club, hosted by Artemis Matsou (Greece) and Imran Yusuf (UK)</p> <p>Our experts were Mayank Nanavaty and Damian Lake who discussed the following paper:</p> <p>Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS), An Academic Teaching Center’s Experience. Qi, Susan Ruyu MD1,2; et al.<br /> <br /> <a href= ""></a></p>

Previous Congress Presentations

ESCRS on Demand

ESCRS on Demand is an online library of presentations, ePosters and videos from ESCRS Congresses and Winter Meetings going back over 10 years. It’s a free online service for all ESCRS members. When you load a presentation, you’ll be able to see all the slides and hear the speakers lecture as they proceed.

This is an invaluable tool for anyone who attends ESCRS Congresses. You can look back on interesting presentations, or even find something that you may have missed, which is easy at such a busy congress.

JCRS Updates

JCRS Online Case Reports

Access the latest case reports.

The Video Journal of Cataract, Refractive and Glaucoma Surgery (VJCRGS)

The VJCRGS produce a quarterly resource which offers at least an hour of the highest quality education for the anterior segment surgeon. We feature an international cast of surgeons who show innovative techniques, challenging cases, complication management, and award-winning videos and named lectures. The VJCRGS also offer the Video Journal to every teaching institution as well as any practicing ophthalmologist interested in viewing the issues free of charge.